Sweet Nemesis: Why Excessive Sugar Consumption Is Bad For Your Oral Health

Ever since you were a kid, your mom has always scolded you for being such a sweet tooth, but you’ve never been able to resist those chocolate and candy bars. We don’t blame you. However, there’s one thing you should never forget, though: the customer and a mom are always right!

Too much sugar intake can cause tooth decay and other oral health problems, forcing you to seek additional dental services rather than a routine teeth whitening treatment.


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Why Kids’ Dental Visits Don’t Have To Be Scary Anymore

Are your children afraid of going to the dentist? You’re not alone. Around 10% of children and younger people in America have dental anxiety, leading them to miss dental appointments, which negatively affects their oral hygiene.

It isn’t a surprise that kids hate going to the dentist. Firstly, children don’t like getting spoken to and handled by unfamiliar faces, and secondly, there is always the fear of injection and other dentistry equipment.


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Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentist

The term “cosmetic dentist” is used loosely. Any general dentist can use it to market their services, even if they haven’t completed any specialized training or ongoing education to improve their cosmetic dentistry services expertise. You may need to do some research before finding a reliable and experienced cosmetic dentist in Frederick who can give you stunning, long-lasting results that will do wonders for your self-esteem.


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How A Bright Smile Can Make The Perfect First Impression

A bright smile can make a big difference. It’s the first thing people notice about you and can leave a lasting impression. Studies show that a smile, forced or genuine — elevates mood because it releases endorphins. Since your body cannot tell whether the smile has been faked or real, doing so can boost your confidence.

A less than perfect smile can affect your self-esteem in three ways:


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5 Daily Habits That Harm Your Teeth

Dental cleaning and oral hygiene have been a growing concern among families. Dental problems typically emerge from everyday habits that cause gradual damage. However, these common habits often go unnoticed. This article addresses some daily habits that affect oral health and suggests ways to avoid them.


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