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Dental Veneers: The What, The How, and The Why

Your smile plays a major role in how you perceive yourself. It’s also one of the first features that most people notice about you. Studies reveal that dental disorders can have an impact on your self-esteem. What if you have a broken or slightly cracked tooth? This is where a dental veneer comes in. Dental veneers are a common solution in cosmetic dentistry services. They’re great for correcting imperfections such as discolored, stained, chipped, decaying, and crooked teeth.

What is a Dental Veneer?

Dental veneers are thin shells that are custom-crafted using high-grade ceramic material and are bonded to the front of the teeth to help hide or correct dental issues. However, getting veneers is an irreversible procedure, so it’s necessary to gather information and weigh all the pros and cons before you decide to get them.


1. Whiten Your Smile for Good

Consuming highly pigmented food and beverages eventually leaves your teeth looking discolored and stained, something that even teeth whitening treatments can’t fix. Dental veneers are stain-resistant and save you from the worry of having discolored and stained teeth. You can relax and show off your pearly whites anytime.

2. Farewell to Minor Cosmetic Problems

Veneers can help fix various cosmetic dental issues, such as gaps and misalignment between teeth, or crooked, chipped, or discolored teeth. Also, veneers give off a natural look so, besides you and your dentist, no one would know that these aren’t your natural teeth.

3. Saves you from Multiple Visits to your Dentist

Unlike other dental restorations that can take up to several weeks and months, getting veneers only requires one or two visits.

4. Long-Lasting

According to a study, veneers have a lifespan of 10 years. Some can last for more than 20 years. However, the durability depends on how well you take care of them and the type you invest in.


1. Heavy on the Pocket

Getting veneers is a great way to address your dental issues but this can be an expensive decision. Veneers are a part of cosmetic dentistry service and aren’t typically covered by insurance. The price varies depending on your location, your dentist, and the number of teeth you want to be restored.

2. Irreversible Process

The process involves your dentist removing a little bit of your tooth enamel to make space for the veneer to be placed. This process cannot be undone as it is not possible to put the enamel back once it is removed.

3. Increased Sensitivity

Since enamel is removed to place the veneers, people can experience an increase in tooth sensitivity after their procedure, which can cause inconvenience and discomfort. For some people, this can last for days.

Types of Veneers

· Porcelain  veneers

Strong and long-lasting custom-crafted thin shells that don’t stain easily.

· Composite resin veneers

Less costly than porcelain veneers, however, not as strong or resistant.

Dentist applying a veneer on a patient


Dental veneers are a great way to address your concerns regarding tooth imperfections. However, it is recommended to weigh all the pros and cons, and consult a dentist before getting them.

For more information regarding dental veneers, consult our dentists in Germantown, MD, with over 15 years of experience. You can also contact us for an appointment.

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